• A Lutheran is a Child of God and just as human as anyone else

  • A Lutheran is a sinner, and yet also a saint, through the redemptive work of our Lord and Savior

  • A Lutheran is a person who recognized that NOTHING we can do can earn us the Grace God gives us through his Son, our Savior.

  • A Lutheran recognizes the importance of Law and Gospel in God’s work and in our Lives; the Law SHOWS us our Sins,

  • A Lutheran shares their love not in order to have faith, but BECAUSE of their faith. The same is the works they do; not to have faith, but BECAUSE of their faith.

  • A Lutheran believes that the word of God is inerrant and inspired through the Holy Spirit.

  • A Lutheran believes that we received the forgiveness of sins through the means of Grace (God’s Word and the Sacraments) and not through our works.

  • Lutherans base their doctrine on the ideas of FAITH ALONE, GRACE ALONE, and SCRIPTURE ALONE.

  • Lutherans believe that NOTHING we can do will get us to heaven, as taught by scripture, but only through God’s love and God’s grace can we obtain the promise of eternal life.

“For all have sinned and fall

short of the glory of God, and

are justified by his grace as a

gift, through the redemption

that is in Christ Jesus”

- Romans 3:23-24 (ESV)

“ For by GRACE you have been saved

through faith. And this is not your

own doing; it is the gift of God, not a

result of works, so that no one may


- Ephesians 2:8-9(ESV)